About us
Each holiday season since 1982, customers in the Alexandria, VA region have found excellent quality Christmas trees and greenery at great prices from the Gallery family and their team.
Matt, Shari, Nate and Phil in 2016
Our trees originally came from the family farm in Almost Heaven - West Virginia, but as we've grown (and aged) they're currently primarily sourced from a top grower we've partnered with for over 20 years with farms at higher elevations in Virginia and North Carolina , where Fraser Firs grow best. The trees for Martha Stewart Living' December 2008 issue Christmas feature came from that grower and she is certainly known for being a selective customer.

The Gallery offspring started helping with the trees as toddlers. Matt and Nathan have finished careers as Naval Officers (Matt is still a reservist) and moved on to the business world. One twin daughter is working in Seattle, WA, after serving in Azerbaijan in the Peace Corps and the other works in Winchester, VA. When able to fit it into their busy schedules, they return to help and visit with our long-time friends at the tree lots. And offspring of some long-time customers even work with us now.
In 2015 granddaughter Eva got in the act,
helping "Grammy" assemble tree stands.

Son Nathan, seen here cutting a stump for a customer.
We want to make sure you'll have a good experience with this important part of your family holiday. Live trees are a safer choice for your family according to HealthyChild.org They are also more environmentally friendly — remember, Christmas trees are planted and grown as a crop, so they get re-planted and help clean the air. After the holiday they get mulched (Alexandria City tree recycling program) and return to the environment in a natural way. Any spraying happens months earlier so the trees have been well washed with rain by the time they come to the tree lot. Made from petroleum-based chemicals (per Science20.com) artificial trees are also transported from the other side of the world.